Frequently asked questions & answers
Here we have compiled the most frequently asked questions about SWISS Hosts for you. You didn’t find what you were looking for? Just write to us at:
Does the SWISS Hosts concept also exist in other countries?
Who is behind SWISS Hosts?
Why do I need to take out a membership?
Membership gives you full access to the portal and contact with hosts. Your membership card is important for the hosts so they know who they are dealing with and no unwanted guests come to the farm. SWISS Hosts uses the membership fees to keep in touch with the hosts, to continuously expand the network and to provide you with even more camping happiness.
How long is the membership valid?
Does my membership renew automatically?
I travel with friends in multiple vehicles. Do we all need a membership?
Why do I have to register with the hosts in advance?
I can't reach my host of choice. What next?
Where can I rate the hosts?
What criteria do hosts have to fulfil in order to be accepted by SWISS Hosts?
To become a host at SWISS Hosts, one to three pitches must be available. Furthermore, only regional businesses, e.g. a farm, a winery, a cheese dairy or a brewery, can become hosts.
Do the hosts provide pitches all year round?
What are the benefits for the hosts of participating?
Is it mandatory to buy products from my host?
Of course, there is no obligation to buy. However, SWISS Hosts thrives on mutual respect. It is therefore a matter of course for us that guests show their appreciation for the free overnight stay by making a purchase from their hosts. We recommend that you spend at least CHF 20 to support your host.
Can I stay with the hosts for more than 24 hours?
Only in consultation with the host, as each canton and municipality has its own rules. As a SWISS Hosts member you enjoy the first night for free. It is up to the host to decide whether to charge an overnight fee for the extra night.